Standardization in Analytical Products
17 Julio, 2020

At ALTO we offer our clients technological solutions that allow the leverage of information for Integration, Analysis and Action, with a view to facilitating efficiency and thus reducing operational risks. In this sense, it is important that the analytical products offered are standardized, since allows even greater efficiency and provides our clients (internal and external) […]

At ALTO we offer our clients technological solutions that allow the leverage of information for Integration, Analysis and Action, with a view to facilitating efficiency and thus reducing operational risks. In this sense, it is important that the analytical products offered are standardized, since allows even greater efficiency and provides our clients (internal and external) with specialized analyses that add value to their organization.

On our ALTO Alliance platform, in real time, clients can report different operational events, such as: Criminal Activity, Emergencies, Accidents, Customer Experience cases, Administrative actions, Operational and/or Equipment procedures, with all the information in one place.

In this sense, when designing and offering analytical products (such as reports, overviews and maps), we must ensure that they are cross-cutting and that they have clear definitions and complete indicators, so that everyone involved can speak the same language. Furthermore, we must be able to answer questions such as: What is this? Why is it important? Who is it for? Where will it be available? When will it be offered? How will it be offered? And how much could it cost?

On the other hand, it is essential to identify all the variables compiled in our system so that they can all be considered in the analyses, enabling a more accurate prediction of future behaviors. In this way, the client obtains a global vision of what is happening in their business, identifying operational exceptions and, in the case of alerts being generated, initiating simple tasks that can solve complex problems.

If everyone in the organization speaks the same language, then communication flows naturally. And when it’s necessary to analyze data in ways other than those offered in standard analytical products, the impact is greater – allowing better business decisions.


The standardization of analytical products can result in the following advantages for companies:

  1. Access to a catalog of analytical products where you can find a brief description of the product and its availability.
  2. Improved understanding of information and better communication between those involved.
  3. Clients can understand what happened during a certain period of time, they can receive a series of conclusions based on the results of the analysis, and they can receive alerts that allow them to take action to solve incipient problems.
  4. The analytical team can run specialized analytics that add value to the entire organization.

In conclusion, the standardization of analytical products in all companies allows everyone to act in an informed, coordinated and effective way, thus facilitating improved business results.










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