Using Video Analytics to Control that Health Measures Are Implemented during the Covid‑19 Crisis
25 Junio, 2020

As restrictive and social distancing policies ease in Colombian, Chilean and Mexican cities and provinces, we must become strategists in deciding on the best methodology and technologies to control that health measures are implemented, and also draw from the experiences of the new normal launched by Spain, France, Germany and Italy towards the end of […]

As restrictive and social distancing policies ease in Colombian, Chilean and Mexican cities and provinces, we must become strategists in deciding on the best methodology and technologies to control that health measures are implemented, and also draw from the experiences of the new normal launched by Spain, France, Germany and Italy towards the end of May.

It is indeed not easy: Educating the population to adapt to a new way of social interaction and buying experiences that involve following health protocols, and even teach them how to perform their daily activities (sports, using public transportation, and so on), will take long and be sometimes a complex task.

Bearing in mind to be always on the cutting edge and adapt to the new challenges posed by the COVID‑19 crisis, we, the ALTO Datalab team, have been devoted to develop technological transformation projects aimed at offering flexible solutions that can adapt to the challenges faced by our clients in this time of pandemic.


Through the use of algorithms such as neural networks and mathematical estimates, the first model is capable of measuring the distance between two people, identify whenever such a distance is less than required, and hence, issue a potential risk warning, as applicable. A second instance then enables the model to identify whether an individual is wearing a face mask, and issue the pertinent alert if he or she were not.

Specifically, the proposal consists in offering a more efficient way of automatically supervising and alerting compliance with the biosafety measures that are essential for employees to return to their normal activities at the work place in abidance by the new social distancing rules once stay‑home orders are lifted.

Do you want to lean more on our technology? Contact

ALTO’s international presence covers six countries and over 225 clients, most of which are retailers. The company’s vision consists in integrating and analyzing information to launch actions aimed at improving our clients’ operational efficiency and provide them with decision making support. Alto is characterized by offering technological solutions capable of improving our clients’ operations, while being both flexible and strong, such as, for instance, deep learning algorithms that can be used to analyze unstructured data, like audio, video, images or texts, and thus, launch actions in real time.

Bearing in mind to be always on the cutting edge and adapt to the new challenges posed by the COVID‑19 crisis, we, the ALTO Datalab team, have been devoted to develop technological transformation projects aimed at offering flexible solutions that can adapt to the challenges that our clients face in this time of pandemic.

Specifically, the proposal consists in offering a more efficient way of automatically supervising and alerting compliance with the biosafety measures that are essential for employees to return to their normal activities at the work place in abidance by the new social distancing rules once stay home orders are lifted.

Through the use of algorithms such as neural networks and mathematical estimates, the first model is capable of measuring the distance between two people, identify whenever such a distance is less than required, and hence, issue a potential risk warning, as applicable. A second instance then enables the model to identify whether an individual is wearing a face mask, and issue the pertinent alert if he or she were not.

Remember: “I protect you, you protect me, by wearing a face mask at all times.”



28 May 2024
Enero, Febrero y Noviembre, los meses de mayor aumento delictual en retail y supermercados

Un estudio de ALTO permitió establecer los meses en que más han aumentado los eventos delictivos en el sector del retail y supermercados en 2023, comparando con el mismo período de 2022. Según los datos de ALTO, empresa especialista en la protección de activos de clientes de diferentes industrias, los eventos delictuales en el sector […]

31 Ene 2024
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Diciembre, época de fiesta y ¡prevenir delitos!

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08 Dic 2023
¿Cómo proteger tu negocio en temporada alta?

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